Doctor Sleep - Director’s Cut


00:00:00 - SCARE PRIMING
Violet goes to pick some flowers.

Violet meets Rose the Hat (immediately scary!)

Rose’s friends appear.

00:03:55 - SCARE
Violet disappears.

Sequence A 00:04:19 — 00:16:37

00:04:19 - Transition to The Overlook hotel. (Chapter One, Old Ghosts)

00:05:23 - SCARE PRIMING
Danny Torrance (5y) rolls around The Overlook on his big wheel, stops outside room 237. The door opens, Danny watches the darkness.

00:05:50 - SCARE
The naked old woman creeps into the light, bent over and grinning lustily at him.

00:05:55 - JUMPSCARE!!
Danny awakens in his bed at home.

Danny gets up from bed to use the bathroom, but hears an odd gurgling behind the bathroom door. Danny discovers a dark silhouette waiting behind the shower curtain.


00:07:15 Danny slams the door on the woman and backs away from the bathroom, waiting for her to go away – but she doesn’t.

00:07:51 False Scare! Mom saves Danny before the old woman can open the bathroom door.

00:08:00 - 00:14:22 Dick Halloran shows up to teach Danny how to trap the hungry ghosts.

00:14:54 Violet Hanson missing poster in the park where Danny was talking to Dick.

00:15:36 Danny senses the old woman in the bathtub. She’s there, waiting for him. Danny goes in and takes care of goddamn business. Scene ends at 16:12. Everything back to normal now. A new normal.
Sequence B

00:16:37 Older Danny wakes up in an apartment, a sleeping woman next to him. Remembers the previous evening where he got drunk, took his daddy anger out on the woman’s abusive boyfriend. He finds his wallet has been emptied. Decides to steal from the sleeping woman. Finds food stamps and cash. Leaves the food stamps, FWIW. Just as he’s about to leave, finds a young toddler waddling about. Leaves him in the bedroom with the woman. Dick shows up to tell him to put the money back. Danny ignores him.

00:21:19 Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, we Meet Abra. It’s her bedtime, birthday party tomorrow.

00:22:00 The parents wake to discover the piano playing itself while Abra sleeps.

00:23:00 A movie theater in Long Island, New York. A youngish blonde woman dressed younger than her real age watches Casablanca. An older man in a perv-stache sits down beside her. The dude is obviously a creeper, but she was expecting him. It’s clearly a “date” of some kind.

00:24:00 Pull back to reveal Rose the Hat and her gang are spying on the situation. The woman leans over and PUSHES the man’s mind, forcing him to obey her command to SLEEP. She’s got THE SHINE. And we know what Rose does with people who shine…

00:26:06 Scare! Rose and the gang ambush the girl in the parking lot.

26:42 Danny wakes under an overpass, an empty bottle of booze in hand. He walks to a bus station and buys a ticket to go as far as he possibly can.

28:30 Abra’s birthday party. She tries to get validation from the magician her parents hired, but even though he’s very nice and professional, he’s losing patience – just struggling to get through his act.

29:47 Abra’s parents discover that she has levitated all the spoons in the house against the ceiling. Abra stands behind them, VERY proud of her abilities! They’re pretty horrified.

30:10 The clatter of the spoons hitting the counter and floor wake Danny from a drunken slumber, and across the country ROSE STOPS IN HER TRACKS.
Sequence C

30:30 Chapter 2, Empty Devils. Rose has not hurt the woman she took. She’s got her in a camper outside of town. Names her Snakebite Andi.

33:10 Danny gets off a bus somewhere up north. New Hampshire. Near Abra. Or near enough. He meets a man who sets him up with a place to live and work to do.

36:53 Rose brought Andi to the beach. Now they’re gonna turn Andi into a vampire.

38:36 Rose opens a canister, reveals the fate of Violet – and her soul.

39:26 Andi swallows the remains of Violet’s soul and begins to turn.

39:45 Sensing a disturbance, Danny awakens… Black flies buzz about. A woman lies in bed with him. Her arm pale and dead.

40:23 She grabs his arm. Tells him that they haven’t found the woman or her dead child yet.

43:00 Danny goes to AA meeting, gets a job working at a hospice as an orderly.
Sequence D

46:27 Andi wakes up a vampire.

48:15 Abra is afraid her parents are afraid of her. Mom lies, but Abra knows the truth.

48:48 False scare. Danny mops the floors at the hospice. A white kitten stalks the halls and enters a patient’s room. She knows he’s about to die. The old man is afraid, but Danny finds his calling. He helps the man relax, assuages his fears. The man names him Doctor Sleep.

52:18 Danny gets home and finds a message written to him on his chalk board. It’s a little scary. He writes a reply. It’s revealed to be ABRA going to bed.

Sequence E

54:18 SUPER: 8 YEARS LATER. Danny gets a five month sobriety chip. He dedicates it to his father.

56:14 Danny helps Charlie cross over to the other side.

59:31 Danny returns home to find a message from Abra. Still friends after eight years.

1:00:00 The True Knot is not doing well. They haven’t fed in a long time. Rose is searching but can’t find anyone.

01:02:58 Scare priming. Number 19 has the shine. Rose’s right hand man is there watching.

01:03:41 The gang kidnap Number 19.

01:05:06 The gang take him to an abandoned mill and torture him to death to extract his shine.

01:06:46 Abra is watching the gang torture 19 from afar.


01:07:59 Abra carves MURDER into Danny’s chalkboard wall.

01:09:00 Number 19 finally gives up the ghost.

01:09:56 Rose steals the rest of his soul and cans it while Abra sobs into her parents’ arms.

01:10:31 Rose and Crow bury the boy. Rose tells Crow that she knows about Abra.

01:13:14 Abra wakes up, decides today is the day to tell her mom about her GROWN-ASS ADULT FRIEND (WHY?) Mom does seem to understand, but is concerned. Abra reassures her.

01:13:50 In the library at school, Abra unwisely uses her powers to listen in on the thoughts of other kids while looking up information on Number 19.

01:14:45 Abra comes home from school, checks in with her dad. She’s three years from graduating high school.

01:15:27 Abra has a printed photo of Number 19. She stares at it, lying on her bed, then FOCUSES. She TAPS IN to the memory somehow (jump scare!)

01:16:00 She follows the energy back to the True Knot and attempts to track them across the country. She discovers WHERE THEY KILLED HIM.

01:17:20 Abra ASTRAL PROJECTS to spy on Rose & the Gang. This is a mistake. Rose has her now.

01:19:05 Abra & Rose have a psychic fight.

01:19:30 Cut to Danny, we discover that he was also affected by the fight. His sponsor asks him, “Who’s Tony?”

01:20:00 Meanwhile, back at Camp Knottingham, Rose tells Crow that somehow Abra was able to find her again, and Rose is SUPER horny about it. Rose spells out in no-uncertain terms that Abra would be perfect Steam Slave. A cow for the milking.
Sequence F

01:22:12 Chapter Four, ‘Turn, World.’ Abra gets dropped off at school by mom – however, she does not go inside. Instead, she buys a bus ticket.

01:24:00 Abra goes to see Danny upstate. They process things together. Form a stronger bond. Abra tells Danny that the Knot ate Baseball Boy’s shine. She begs Danny to help her get justice for him. But he refuses, wanting to protect her.

01:30:33 At the hospice, Danny follows Azzie into an unoccupied room. It’s Dick. He puts his foot down about Danny helping Abra.
Sequence G

01:37:12 Rose begins hunting Abra.

01:39:08 Rose lands on Abra’s street.

01:40:38 Rose puts her hand in Abra’s filing cabinets.


01:41:30 Rose grievously injures her hand, trying to pull it out of the cabinet drawer. GORE WARNING!

01:42:15 Rose escapes, flinging herself back into her body and slamming to the ground beside her RV.

01:42:30 Rose’s injury is REAL.

01:43:05 Abra relates to Dan her victory over Rose, but Dan knows the deeper implications of Abra’s transgression — and feels the guilt for not helping her when he had the chance.

01:45:00 Old Man Dracula Dies

01:46:17 Dan goes to Billy and recruits him to dig up Baseball Boy.

01:51:26 Dan and Billy dig in the dirt outside the abandoned mill, right where Abra says to dig. The smell rising up from the earth reminds Billy of the reason he quit hunting. A dead deer smelled exactly like this. Same smell.

01:53:08 Billy and Dan find Baseball Boy’s body.

01:53:13 They uncover a hand — the smell is devastating. Both men reel and retch.

01:53:26 They uncover his face. The smell becomes overpowering. “They didn’t even bury him deep. They buried him shallow.”
Sequence H

01:54:08 Chapter Five, Parlor Tricks. Dan & Billy confirm with Abra that they have the baseball glove.

01:55:00 Danny & Billy show up at Abra’s house, but Abra has not shown her dad anything yet – only told him… and he’s not taking it well.

01:56:29 Abra shows her dad what happened to Baseball Boy.

01:57:59 Abra dives into Chunk’s mind using the baseball mitt. Rose is nowhere to be seen. The Knot is on its way.

01:59:14 Team Abra drives to a secluded place to set a trap.

02:00:00 The Knot enters the park. Rose watches from afar as they surround Abra.

02:01:49 Chunk takes a sniper round to the shoulder! THERE WAS A FIREFIIIIGHT!

02:04:40 Andi, fatally wounded, forces Billy to kill himself.

02:05:09 The Crow takes Abra at home. Dad dies off camera.

02:06:31 The Crow interrogates Abra while driving her back to Rose. The serum has suppressed her powers for now.

02:07:38 “The Outcome Didn’t Change” gaslighting from Crow.

02:08:00 Dan discovers Dad’s body.

02:09:00 Dan returns to his apartment, pleads with ‘Tony’ to help him find Abra.

02:09:53 Dan tunes into Abra’s weak signal, the WORLD TILTS. Dan taps into Abra’s mind and pilots her in a conversation with Crow.

02:12:27 Dan pushes Crow into wrecking his van – Crow flies through the windshield!

02:13:24 Abra watches Crow die.

02:13:51 Jump Scare! Rose confronts Abra on the road.

02:14:52 Her family dead, Rose empties her last two canisters of steam and prepares to go on a rampage of revenge.
Sequence I

02:15:00 Danny finds Abra waiting outside a lonely motel. They drive off together. Danny tells Abra that they’re heading to Colorado to set a trap for Rose at The Overlook.

02:18:25 Dies Irae plays as Danny and Abra wind through the mountains, up, up, up...

02:18:45 Chapter Six, What Was Forgotten

02:19:38 Dan & Abra arrive at The Overlook.

02:20:00 Dan explains to Abra that he has to leave her in the car while he goes inside The Overlook to “wake it up,” and Abra is only to enter the hotel when she sees Rose coming. Abra does not like being left alone, but trusts Dan.

02:22:18 Scare priming begins. Turning on the furnace and generators, the hotel begins to awaken – both physically, and spiritually.

02:23:08 JUMP SCARE! A flickering light in a dark hallway.

02:24:23 JUMP SCARE! As Danny peers into the broken bathroom door, we SMASH CUT to the moment from The Shining when the axe bursts through, Wendy screaming in the shower.

02:26:07 Mild scare. Jack Torrance’s voice speaks to Danny without warning. It’s revealed that Jack is now a ghost behind the bar in the gold ballroom.

02:27:35 Danny unloads to Jack about his childhood with Wendy after The Overlook. Reveals his trauma, attempts to make a connection with whatever is left of his father.

02:30:18 Alcoholism evoked. “The man takes a drink. The drink takes a drink. The drink takes the man. Ain’t it so, dad?”

02:33:05 Abra chimes in. Rose is here.

Sequence J

02:33:49 Scare priming: As soon as Abra enters the main foyer, the house begins to CHARGE UP.

02:34:30 Rose enters The Overlook.

02:35:42 Rose meets Dan & Abra in the typewriter room.


Rose finds herself lost in the hedgemaze. The maze itself seems to go on infinitely in all directions.

02:37:20 - Rose catches Abra peeking around a corner. The chase is on.

02:38:38 - Abra slashes Rose’s leg with a knife from the shadows. In pain, Rose monologues about how similar she is to Abra. In response, Abra slashes her again and disappears.

02:39:21 - Abra slashes Rose a third time. “Pain purifies steam. Fear, too. So, you understand,” she taunts, then disappears.

02:39:40 - SCARE! Rose catches Abra by the throat as she comes in for a fourth attack, lifts Abra off the ground single-handedly, choking her.

02:40:35 - Rose realize she's being trapped and turns the tables on her attackers, breaking free of the maze-dream.

02:41:32 - Rose stalks Danny up the stairs, much like Jack stalked Wendy. But Danny has an AXE this time, not a bat.

02:42:15 - Danny HEAVES THE AXE INTO HER SHOULDER! She steals the axe, catches him in the THIGH and HURLS HIM down the stairs.

02:42:58 - Rose tortures Danny to steal his shine as he dies.


Rose feels & sees flashes of Danny’s first encounter with The Overlook. Danny being hunted by Jack with the axe. REDRUM. Wendy with the bat. The Old woman on the stairs. Rose finds Danny’s BOXES.

02:44:11 DANNY OPENS THE BOXES. The hungry ghosts of The Overlook spill out and fall upon Rose –– a being of PURE SHINE -- and eat her alive.

02:44:45 ROSE DIES. A moment of relief. HOWEVER...

02:44:53 As Rose's corpse evaporates, the ghosts turn their lustful gaze towards Danny.

02:45:12 Abra is alone.

02:45:20 - SCARE PRIMING.

The lights flicker as Danny is presumably consumed.

02:45:33 - SCARE. Abra runs into THE TWINS.

02:45:45 - Abra breathes a sigh of relief as Danny limps around the corner, wielding the axe — but we know something’s wrong...

02:45:57 - SCARE. Danny looks up with a sinister grin – he’s UNDEAD. Abra flees.

02:46:30 - SCARE PRIMING.

Fleeing past gloating ghosts, Abra ducks into a hotel room to hide –– ROOM 237.

Inside the room, Abra hears Danny screaming her name as he limps by.

02:46:58 - SCARE! The naked old woman emerges from the tub.

02:47:30 - SCARE! Danny breaks into the room and confronts Abra with the axe.

02:48:06 - FALSE SCARE! Danny swings at Abra with the axe -- but stops just in time!!!

Abra is able to restore him, if only for a moment. Danny tells Abra to run as fast and hard as she can, just before losing control of himself.

02:49:42 - Danny kneels before the overloading boiler, forcing the Ghosts to witness the demise of their beloved HIVE from the front row.


02:50:50 - Abra watches from the outside as The Overlook burns to the ground.
Sequence J

02:51:29 - Abra sits on her bed at home, telling the story of how The Overlook died –– to Danny, who is okay.

02:52:41 - Abra’s mother knocks -- dinner is ready. Danny is gone. Abra reassures her mother that everything will be okay. That we ‘go on.’

02:53:54 - The naked old woman appears for Abra. She knows what to do.


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